Applebear Awareness.

General Facts About the Applebear

Found all over the world, applebears (Ursus Mortiferpomum) are vicious predators, hunting down anything from ants to zebra (also are known to eat small children) (and large ones, for that matter). Once they have chosen their prey, the bear will never stop until he or she has killed it. While the applebear has never been captured alive, the scientists who have survived studying them in their natural habitat have learned much: They vary in color between red, yellow, or green heads and brown or black fur (reports of a rare "northern/polar applebear" which has white fur are unconfirmed). Many travel in packs, but most prefer to roam alone. The mating rituals of the applebear are unknown, as the female bear will chase down anything within seven miles of the nest or burrow.

Keeping knowledge to yourself? Scandalous. If you know anything else about applebears, tell us now! (Please, have proof)

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